We provide services to government and their organisations to support sustainability
A core part of any country is its public sector. Being the backbone of the country isn't easy; we know that! Thank you for everything you do for us! We saw how you pulled together during the Covid-19 crisis, working around the clock to make sure the public was safe and protected.
We understand working in the public sector is rather complex. Whether you are central government, a regional organisation, or perhaps an arms length funded organisation, you will need to be aligned with policy and priority areas; and you are expected to support the sustainability journey.
The sustainability topic and the current climate change crisis is one that is not going to go away. Not only that, it is such an important area for our generation and public services. Some public organisations may be advanced in the area of sustainability, but considering it is still in its infancy, we don't expect you all to be experts.
We can imagine you have a busy day job. We know it isn't easy for you to meet the demands or understand what sustainability and the climate crisis means to your organisation. You haven't got time to pull out every book and read into all of its aspects. That is why we are here, and you can leave it to us to keep you informed and supported during the steep sustainability journey all organisations in the UK are now embarking upon.
Take a look at some clients we've worked with
“Sustainability has been a growing interest for us as a forward-thinking organisation. Sustineri have supported us with research into EDI, carbon reduction and supplier engagement. We have also received carbon literacy training and 1-2-1 leadership advice from the Centre to make sure we as an organisation and as individuals are fit for the future. We would highly recommend the Centre for their bespoke service, which is delivered by a passionate team of highly skilled professionals.”
“We have worked closely with Sustineri on various strategies, reviews and plans. The team have offered valuable insight and vital points of consideration in respect of social value, supply chains, manufacturing in Wales, transport, low carbon and planning Net Zero in Wales.”
“We would highly recommend Sustineri. We commissioned them as part of our Innovative Future Services Programme, which we deliver to public bodies. The Centre prepared and delivered material on sustainable and low carbon procurement, which was relevant to our cohort and gave them a great grounding in how procurement can be used as a strategic tool for decarbonisation.”