avenue towards sustainability.
As increasing levels of carbon into the atmosphere become more and more concerning, the ideal of decarbonisation becomes an important need. Decarbonisation means the removal or reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) output into the atmosphere. More energy-efficient and less carbon-intensive energy sources are some of the most prominent ways decarbonisation may be achieved.
The growth of renewable sources of power such as solar panels, wind turbines, and coal-to-biomass upgrades have supported the decarbonisation effects in electricity generation in recent years. This means businesses and homes don’t have to rely on traditional carbon fuels as much as they did previously. Innovations have allowed homes to generate and share their own power. The use of carbon power can also be reduced through large-scale use of electric vehicles alongside ‘cleaner’ technologies.
Decreasing carbon intensity in the power and transport sectors will allow for net zero emission targets to be met sooner and in line with government standards. To meet the Paris Agreement and Net-Zero targets there is a greater need, steep innovation and demand curve in the area of decarbonisation to be widely adopted as a method for combating climate change. Progress will require a continuous, cohesive effort to make system and structural changes to support the adaptation and migration process needed to decarbonise the economy.
We believe in order to do this, there is a need to communicate with the key industry and audiences, being together helps provide solutions like inroads, investment into alternative energy, innovation, and regular monitoring to progress in transforming Britain’s energy systems.